Saturday, July 10, 2010

let's get this party started

Hi, I'm Mel.
I live in Australia, in a small but comfy house, with a wee snow-bear for company.

I've just awoken to the fact that I'm intrigued by fashion.
I've always loved faces.
Music (& music videos).
Gorgeous pictures.
Lovely things.

Here I hope to educate myself about the world of fashion, and discover great photography and illustrations along the way. Celebrate great images of people, be they models, singers, actors. Explore artists and their work.
And do a bit of creating myself.
Won't you join me? :)


  1. Can I come to your party? :) I like your new home, design is great and I'm looking forward to seeing all the good stuff that's to come.


Thank you so much for your comments. I love receiving them!
Sometimes I reply direct to you by email, but most often I reply within the comments themselves, just like having a chat. :)